Hi Dennis
Sorry for the late replay. Thanks for all help, I will pay for the work. I have talked with Johnathan Shaw about some other problem with this, but now it looks it works. So it can be solved by the extra files you did.
The only thing I can see is that I need to "reload/update" the checkout twice to get all extra lines go away. It's only a cosmetic thing, but it can confuse customers. I think it's in the quick checkout. See the screen movie.
And Johnathan asked this question;
Hi Thomas-
Do you know if the other mod disables the "Taxes" Order Total? If that's what it's doing, then when the "Taxes" Order Total is disabled my extension will add the tax into the actual line item costs. This allows people to not use the Taxes line item, and just show all prices with tax.
In your case though, it may be that you want the extension to disable itself when the "Taxes" Order Total is disabled. I'm not entirely sure that will solve the issue, but it might work for you. If you want to try that, here's the edit you'd do:
the ocMod file in Extensions > Modifications
if ($this->config->get($prefix . 'display_with_tax_status')) {
if ($this->config->get($prefix . 'display_with_tax_status') && $this->config->get('total_tax_status')) {
Let me know how that goes. If it doesn't work, can you get some info from the other developer as to *how* it disables the "Taxes" line item? If it has some session variable or something I can read, we could conditionally disable Display Order Totals based on that variable.
And then this did not work;
For the issue with the other tax mod, if the edit I suggested didn't work, then we'll have to try hooking into the other mod directly. I took a brief look at its /catalog/model/extension/module/eu_tax.php file, and I think I found a session variable that should be filled in the VAT number is valid:
Hopefully this will work, so try the following edit and let me know if this works:
the ocMod file in Extensions > Modifications
if ($this->config->get($prefix . 'display_with_tax_status')) {
if ($this->config->get($prefix . 'display_with_tax_status') && empty($this->session->data['VAT_valid']['valid'])) {
Let me know how that goes, and if it doesn't work we can get in touch with the other developer to see if there's some other way to detect the VAT validity in the session.
But maybe this is solved with your extra files?