1. Peter Cabrelli
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. Saturday, November 28 2020, 09:58 AM
  4.  Subscribe via email

I've purchased EU VAT Compliant and believe I've installed it correctly, as generally works OK for new customers. However, how does a returning customer add their VAT number to a purchase, or to their saved address, as I can't seem to see any option?

The site is using OC with Journal 2.8.3

Many thanks,
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Dennis Buijs Accepted Answer
Hi Peter

The problem in the checkout was that both journal 2 and journal 3 xml files of my extension where installed, so removed the journal 3 file. In the new version I will check the files so I can remove one of them.

Please let me know if you have more issues.

Best regards
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 1
Dennis Buijs Accepted Answer
Hi Peter

A few answers, UK vat validation via View is not possible any more because they are out of the EU Union. So it can be that this is the reason of the Vies errors with my old extension version. Please disable always display error and warning on a live website, see OpenCart settings tab server.

In the new version, UK validation is not executed anymore.
I see a few warnings, I will look into that. You can disable error messages and try again.
Which vat number you used when you did received the error of image 3?

Best regards
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 2
Dennis Buijs Accepted Answer
Hi Peter

I can login, so I will check it as soon as possible.
At the moment a little bit busy, but hopefully tommorow or thursday.

Best regards
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 3
Peter Cabrelli Accepted Answer
Hi Dennis,

Many thanks for your speedy response. I've entered the site details below so hopefully you can access okay. Let me know if you have any issues.

One further question the customer has asked, is would it be possible to only check EU VAT numbers against the VIES system and not any UK VAT numbers, as it's only EU numbers that they need to reverse charge the VAT for?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 4
Dennis Buijs Accepted Answer
Hi Peter

Can you provide me a admin and ftp login?

Best regards
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 5
Peter Cabrelli Accepted Answer
Hi Dennis,

Many thanks for getting back to me and explaining - for some reason I thought I'd bought the extension direct, rather than through OpenCart! I have now managed to download and update the extension.

However, I am having a few issues and hope you can help?

The reason I wanted to upgrade is that a few customer had started receiving VIES errors when trying to checkout, and I noticed you had released an upgrade which I hoped would resolve the error. Please see attached screengrab rws-error-vat-vies.jpg.

I installed the EU VAT Compliant and Journal upgrade on the test server I use, but am having a few issues. Firstly when using the Journal Quick Checkout option, I get a 'This page isn’t working' when I try and checkout and can't proceed further. Please see attached screengrab rws-error-journal2-checkout-page-not-working.jpg.

Furthermore, if I change to the default OC checkout, I can complete the order, but I get an error at the top of the checkout-success page. Please see attached screengrab rws-error-default-checkout-success.jpg

The site is using OC with Journal 2.8.3

Hope you can help resolve the issues and please let me know if you need any further information.

Many thanks,
Attachments (3)
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 6
Dennis Buijs Accepted Answer
Hi Peter

This account is a different account than for downloading extensions from shop.openwebcreations.eu.
You can download the latest version from OpenCart. Then when you want to receive a license code, fill in the form on my extension page with order_id and emailaddress from opencart and you will receive an email with license code and also login of shop.openwebcreations.eu.

Best regards
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 7
Peter Cabrelli Accepted Answer
Hi Dennis,

I can't seem to log into my account on your site in order to download the latest version of EU VAT Compliant extension. I get an error saying ' Warning: No match for E-Mail Address and/or Password.'

I can log into the forum which I believe uses the same login and I'm definitely using the correct email address so hopefully you can look into this for me.

Many thanks,
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 8
Dennis Buijs Accepted Answer
Hi Peter

In your case the second login must also the vat must be removed, so this is not working. If you give me your admin and ftp details in the tab Site Details I will fix it.

Best regards
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 9
Peter Cabrelli Accepted Answer
Hi Dennis,

Thanks for the above response although I now seem to have a different issue.

When a 'new' customer from EU registers a Business account the VAT is exempt (removed) as expected on checkout. However, when they return to buy something else and log into their account, the VAT is not removed at checkout, even though their VAT number is registered to their account? I'm assuming this shouldn't be the case?

Many thanks,

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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 10
Dennis Buijs Accepted Answer
Customer group can only be changed by the admin.

I think it is best that customer make the right choice which group the want to register. It is also that when the account has a vat number, it is best not to change it, because when orders are inserted in the accountancy software, changing vat number will be a problem for you tax report. Better to make a different account when vat number must be changed.
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 11
Peter Cabrelli Accepted Answer
Hi Dennis,

Many thanks for your quick reply.

I have tried that, but can't see the option to change the 'Customer Group' type from 'Consumer / Default' to the new 'Business' one which has the VAT Number .... does it need to be done by the admin?

I'm sure I'm missing something, so apologies, but if someone has previously created an account (prior to adding the EU VAT Compliant extension, so is part of original 'Default' customer group), and then logs in to purchase something else, on checkout, there doesn't seem to be an option to select the Business group and hence add the VAT number.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.

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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 12
Dennis Buijs Accepted Answer
Hi Peter

They can edit the address in the account of the customer.

Best regards
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. EU VAT Compliant
  3. # 13
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