I try to install the module but got a latt of errors in de vqmod log.
1 I use the standard checkout so the vqmod files : owc_euvat_quickcheckout_twig.xml and owc_euvat_onepagecheckout_twig.xml complain that they cannot find files to change.
2 Then I had the next error:
MOD: Open Web Creations - EU Vat hooks
CODE: 'country' => $order_info['payment_country']
FILE: catalog/model/checkout/order.php
It looks like my vqmod (v 2.6.3) is not able to handle that and omits also some other modifications.
This resulted innot changing the file checkout/checkout.php and my checkout stopped working.
I think I finally got the thing running but due to the errors during the installation I donot know if everything is oke.